International Games Week
2017 marked the tenth anniversary of the American Library Association (ALA) Games and Gaming Roundtable and their flagship initiate International Games Week (IGW). It is an initiative run by volunteers from around the world to reconnect communities through their libraries around the educational, recreational, and social value of all types of games, and this year saw the biggest series of events yet. In the UK, 95 libraries signed up to host an event, an increase from the 27 that signed up in 2016, with average attendance at each event an impressive 54.
A full report of the success of IGW in the UK can be downloaded by clicking on the link below, and was prepared in part by GRN member Darren Edwards, the UK Coordinator for ALA International Games Week:
[download id="1838"]
In 2018, International Games Week runs from 4th November – 10th November; see how you an get involved by visiting their website.