Call for Papers: Spelunking 2020
Spelunking 2020: Games, Cultures, Societies
Moving into a new decade, this symposium aims to consider the variety of forms in which games impact on both culture and society, and the diverse narratives which they create, develop and propagate. Abstracts are welcome from members of any discipline which look to engage in critical enquiry of games, gamers and their culture, based on themes including:
Games industries
Value of gaming in society
Gaming as labour
Critical readings of games
Histories of gaming
Studies of gamers
Theoretical approaches
Pedagogy and gaming
Economies of play/games
Social stratification and games
Women, trans and non-binary identities
LGBTQ identities in gaming
Mobile gaming
Analog gaming
Live Action Roleplay Gaming
Date of conference: Wednesday 22nd July 2020
Time of conference: From 12:00
Conference venue: ENV/005, Environment Building, Campus West, University of York, UK
Abstracts of no longer than 200 words, accompanied by a 50-word biography, should be submitted to by no later than 31 March 2020. Accepted papers will be 20 minutes in length, with an additional ten minutes allotted for Q&A.