
On this page you can download resources created by members of the Manchester Game Studies Network.

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Catan: Global Warming

Catan: Global Warming is a scenario by Sam Illingworth and Paul Wake for the board game Catan®, designed by Klaus Teuber and property of Catan GmbH. The scenario was developed with the aim of raising awareness of, and generating debate discussion about, global warming.  You can download the rules and tokens required to play the scenario  using the link below (you will need a copy of Catan to play this scenario). Along with these files, you will find design notes and suggestions for using the scenario in an educational context. This project was funded by Manchester Metropolitan University, Edinburgh University, and the NERC-funded project Greenhouse gAs Uk and Global Emissions (GAUGE). Catan: Global Warming is not an officially licensed or approved Catan product.

Tabletop Chemistry

Tabletop Chemistry, funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry, uses games to engage communities with, you guessed it… chemistry. Working alongside colleagues from the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP), Southampton University and ErrantScience, we have developed creative resources that use “off-the-shelf” games to generate a dialogue around chemistry: specifically, in understanding the differences between elements and compounds.
