In partnership with MeCCSA, the University of Sunderland has announced a special symposium on Creative Methodologies: Practical Play and Media Multiplicities, a two-day event, examining methodologies of practice-based media research, from podcasts to games making. Our keynote speakers for this event are: Lance Dann (The University of Brighton), Chloe Germaine (Manchester Metropolitan University) and Nick Lewis (The University of Sunderland). It is based at the University of Sunderland
They are currently seeking abstracts for this event, to be submitted no later than Friday 28th March 2025. We are seeking papers - which may be standard papers, podcasts, videos, streams, video journal entries, video/text based games - suggestions for roundtables, games jam proposals and any medium or proposal that you think may qualify under the banner of creative methodologies.
Abstracts of 300 words and accompanying author biographies of 200 words should be emailed to and by Friday 28th of March.